Monday, March 24, 2008

knowing our lord a bit much

Quran defines God as "nothing is like him" and 5th imam of Shi'a; Imam Mohammad Baqer (a.s) says about him: each thing you distinguish with your mind (to show and define as God) it is a creature like yourselves and it is proper to yourselves; an ant thinks God has two antennas because having antenna is integrity for it, so if God does not have this feature he will be imperfect in view point of ants.
So if we reject God we just reject what we think he is God not the real God; real God is undeniable. Our God dignity is equal of ourselves dignity; big humans have bigger and thereupon more reasonable God.
1st Shi'a Imam; Imam Ali (a.s) introduces God by these words: He is inside of things but dose not admix with them, He is outside of things but dose not separate of them.
I believe He is something like a soul inside of a body He is not the body but the body is not empty of Him; the whole cosmos is His body and He is spirit of this body; ghost of glob. Humans structure system is the best model for knowing our Lord; the little God.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What is God?

Ordinarily when we want to get familiar with something, one of the simplest way to realize it is to compare it to things that are well-known to us. For instance if one of your friends tells you about an animal that you never seen or heard about it, like eel, you ask him to describe it, when he says it looks like a fish and a snake, you imagine in your mind a snake that can swim like fish.
Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines God as below:
■ noun (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe; the supreme being.
(god) a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity. ▶an image of a god; an idol.
(god) a greatly admired or influential person.
Creator, ruler, Supreme Being, superhuman being, spirit, a deity, greatly admired person and influential person; these words or other words like them are posed for God explanation. We have sample of creator, ruler, spirit and other words, so naturally when we want to know God try to adjust him to one of above definitions that are more familiar for us. Act of idolaters (making idols with their hand and worshiping them) is the best evidence that proves this fact. Hence we suppose God a phenomenon beside other phenomena; all problems begin from this first wrong step. To have a correct conceptualize of God we need to know difference between the existence and the existent; God is not something and his existence something else; God is just the existence; existence is his inherent, but essence of other phenomenon are composed of two parts. For example humankind is formed of humanity plus existence; therefore it is only true to call him existent not existence; his existence has derived from another source (God) and not his inherent. There are lots of observable samples that help us to understand the case exactly; e.g. saltiness of foods is by salt but saltiness of salt itself is its inherent; water is source of wetness and humidity of all things but wetness of water itself is its substance.
If anybody does not ask of saltiness of salt and dose not ask about wetness of water; it is not true to ask about creator of God; there is nothing in the universe except God, in every side he appears in one shape and one figure; you can feel God's aroma everywhere and if you hear nicety, all speak to you about God

Sunday, March 2, 2008

GOD; the most sophisticated concept

Sometimes a false presupposition causes a mass of wrong conclusions. At first we imagine something as a God then begin to criticize him and at the end refuse such apocryphal God or Gods. Generally our problems divide in two major kinds:
1. Easy problems with complicated answers.
2. Complicated problems with easy answers.

Mathematical questions usually fall into the first case; the second kind often includes philosophical premises.

The topic of God is more of a philosophical discussion than other types of knowledge. If we conceptualise Him correctly and put him in His right place, all problems that are related to God will disappear or at least logically become answerable.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What is religion?

Axford Advanced Genie Dictionary definitions are:
"Religion: noun
1. The belief in the existence of a god or gods, and the activities that are connected with the worship of them
2. One of the systems of faith that are based on the belief in the existence of a particular god or gods
3. A particular interest or influence that is very important in your life"
The Encyclopedia of Religion defines religion this way:
"In summary, it may be said that almost every known culture involves the religious in the above sense of a depth dimension in cultural experiences at all levels — a push, whether ill-defined or conscious, toward some sort of ultimacy and transcendence that will provide norms and power for the rest of life. When more or less distinct patterns of behavior are built around this depth dimension in a culture, this structure constitutes religion in its historically recognizable form. Religion is the organization of life around the depth dimensions of experience — varied in form, completeness, and clarity in accordance with the environing culture."
If you copy this sentence "what is religion" and paste it for instance to search bar of Google site the result will be:
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,760,000 for "what is
religion". (0.24 seconds).
Surveying all of them ordinarily is impossible and not useful for our argument, I don’t want to offer a sheer significantly discussion about religion; rather, as I said before, I'm considering it to find a practical way of better life to this world and in the Hereafter. Most of definer has emphasized, to define religion is too difficult; but, definitions that presented by them are common in some elements: existence of God (s), prophet hood, beliefs, system of faith, supernatural, activities, worship and praying, to be influenced and the Hereafter.
So to be called a complex ideas and acts, religion, it needs to such components otherwise it's just a sect and heresy. Reasoning is coming…..

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Nowadays, discussion about various religions all over the world is one of the most notable subjects that are on the top of debatable matters in the net, Because all of religions talk about better life in this world and some of them moreover, concentrate also on after here life; Two kinds of matters that everyone who is worry about her/his destiny thinks about them.
Islam as second largest religion in the world, is one of the most debating of all religions; but because of misconceptions about some Islamic thoughts, and misbehaviors by some Islamic radical groups in one hand, and weak information about Islamic ideas on the other hand, today, the world encounter with "Islamophobia" phenomenon.
However, there are some general misconceptions about religion entirely, that cause some people leave the religion completely and become infidel or at least become doubtful about their faiths. For instance features of hell and paradise especially the first one in Abrahamic religions brings in mind that God is a dispiteous abuser. Such matters should be answered by all heavenly religions including; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I will frame these difficulties generally and try to quote them directly from deferent religions and their answers; then, I will offer my solution according to my religion thoughts; Islam (Shiite).
Before starting to project all of these problems and answering them with reasonable justification, we need to know some facts about word "religion"; what is religion? Are all of religions are same? Is it possible to admit trueness of all faiths? How much kind of religions we have? Many religions claim that there is just one true faith in all over the world; if so, what is destination of other religion followers? Going to hell or something else? Is there any logical criterion for realizing trueness of pretensions? And, there are some other questions that must be answered at first.